An image can disclose a thousand words.”The Alt Text is the text used to describe the appearance and function of the image in the HTML code of a website or web page. The alt attribute of an image is the only image information that can be recognized by search engines.When the browser cannot load the image, it will replace the image with the narrative text of the Alt tag and display its text content. Alt tags can enable search engines to better understand the meaning of the image context, help search engines to index the image accurately, understand the meaning of the article context, and improve the SEO ranking of the image.

Alt Text for SEO

Even though the imaging technology of search engines has made great progress in the past few years, search engines still cannot easily determine the complete meaning of each image. Therefore, search engines still collect the Alt description of the image as the basis for defining the meaning of this image.

The role of the image attribute is not only to tell the search engine about the main information of the image, in addition, when the picture fails to load, it can also allow visitors to understand the content of the picture!

Improving the Alt text in the image can not only provide better accessibility and user experience but also tell search engines what the image represents. Improving your image file name and Alt can make search engines better knowing the meaning of this picture will also allow users to search for related pictures and make your picture easier to appear in search results. Here seo experts use the SEO Tricks and don’t ignore the importance of Alt and image file name.Alt text provides an opportunity to “allow you to add more relevant keyword content.” You can add more pictures or even videos to help you enrich your article, thereby making your ranking can get the top place on Google.

Alt Text for Accessibility

The purpose of Alt was to provide users who did not load the image normally. There can be a text description to tell visitors what the original image means, in addition to this meaning; it also provides search engines to better understand the meaning of this image. Therefore, Alt text is still very important and must exist for “accessibility”.

Glimpses to the SEO beginners

Define the picture with enough detail: The most important thing for alternative text is to provide text explanations for the pictures for users who cannot see the pictures.

Keep it relatively short: it’s best to keep it at or below 125 characters.

Use keywords: Alternate text provides you the opportunity to include target keywords on your page.

Avoid accumulation of keywords. Google will not deduct your points for poorly written alternative text, but you may be punished for accumulating a large number of relevant keywords in the alternative text. Pay attention to writing descriptive, as far as possible to provide alternative text for the picture background, and include your target keywords.

Don’t use pictures as text. This is not an alternative text practice, but an SEO-friendly web development principle. If you use the image text, explain the content of the text in your image in the alternate text.

Don’t forget the form button. The picture button should have an alternative text describing the purpose of the button, for example, “search”, “apply now”, “sign up”, etc.


Basically, the alt tag is a modifier used to provide an image description, and it appears in the markup of a single image of the page where the image is displayed in the HTML code. The purpose of alt text is to provide an image description for the visually impaired. Here is one of the most common misconceptions about alt texts: their main purpose is for SEO? In fact, these tags were used to improve the accessibility of visually impaired users. At the same time entering alternative text for an image on a web page is regarded as describing the content of the image in the text. SEO companies take advantages of this opportunity by adding suitable keywords.